Sunday, December 21, 2008

I may have ruined Christmas for Kenzie...FOREVER

I will try to make this a short post but, this is a must read!
Ben and I thought we had it all together and on top of things when we had our entire Christmas done the day after Thanksgiving. How WRONG we were.
The first week of December I have the kids sit down and write their letter to Santa. Kason's letter went something like this.

Dear Santa
I would like and Ipod, a WII, and a laptop oh... and SNOW.

Nothing on this list was bought for him for Christmas.

Kenzie's asked Santa for a Jammin Jeep.....a what??
Ben and I struggled with this for at least a week before we figured out what she was trying to say. She wants a Barbie Jeep.

These Christmas lists are tall orders. Ben & and I tried to talk ourselfs into beliving that come Christmas morning that the kids would love and be so excited about the gifts we bought them that they would forget about their Christmas list.

For the next week or so all Kenzie talked about was her Jammin Jeep that Santa was going to bring her. When you would asked if there was anything else she would like, she would say "No. Just my Jammin Jeep!"

Long story short Ben and I decided to purchase the Barbie Jeep but, it was not an easy task. Apparently these Barbie Jeeps are a HOT item. I looked all over the internet and checked every store I could think of and on line these Jeeps were SOLD OUT! We were in Wal Mart last weekend and spotted the one and only Barbie Jeep in Wal Mart. We made the purchase and felt like we were good parents again. I did tell Ben that Kenzie better wake up Christmas morning and see the Jeep and I expect Cartwheels.

Friday, I was at the Mall with my mom helping her do some last minute shopping and I spotted Santa!. I asked Kenzie if she would like to sit on Santas lap and ask him to bring her the Barbie Jeep. Of course to no surprise she was terrified of Santa. She wouldn't even let me get within 10 feet of Santa. I said to her "You have to tell Santa that you want your Jeep or he won't bring it for you Christmas morning."

This is where I made the fatal mistake. I forced Kenzie to sit on Santas lap and she was forever traumatized. Kenzie now tells us that she does NOT want Santa to come to our house and she doesn't want her Jeep anymore. (I guess the cartwheels are out of the question now!)

Now we have tried to talk to her about Santa and I even tried to read some Christmas book to her to try to show her that Santa is a NICE person. Nothing so far has worked and she still is terrified that Santa will be coming to our house in a few days.

I may have ruined Christmas For Kenzie!!!


Melissa Hernandez said...

Way to go,you totally get the parent of the year award (I am totally kidding)...she's a kid...which means in 2 days she will totally forget about the whole santa thing, and she will do cartwheels when she sees the "Jammin...Jeep"!!!

Molly said...

Jackie, not to fret. My oldest child was terrified of Santa coming in the house. He had the same fears, he wouldn't be in the same room, literally during a party we had to keep walking out because santa was coming in and out. But I told him that I would leave santa a note to leave the presents on the porch and I would lock the door. By the next year, the fear was gone. Good Luck!!!

Whitney Hale said...

oh :(!!! She is so dang cute! I bet she will forgive santa when she sees her jeep!! You are an awesome mom for getting it for her!! MERRY XMAS!!!

Emily M said...

This is hilarious! (not for you of course) but a good read for us. Poor Kenzie! I agree- I think she will love the jeep when she gets it and love santa again (just as long as she doesn't have to be anywhere near him) Have a merry christmas!

Michelle said...

Way to funny! I think she will be pumped to wake up and she the Jeep just remind her that Santa does not go into bedrooms because he doesn't want to get caught. Hannah went through this stage too!

Jen Jensen said...

That is too funny, I understand about the list, Eli says a few different things that he wants, none of which he is getting... so hopefully he won't be disappointed! By the way, we can't talk too much about Santa coming into our house, it freaks them all out!

Lyndsey said...

So how did it go? I bet she was still so excited when she got it!! She better be huh - those things are expensive :)