I am not to sure how well you can see these pictures but, I had to post them because the story behind these pictures are hilarious.
As you may know we are trying to potty train Kenzie (we have been for the past 6 months)and also as you may know it's not going well. We have tried to bribe her with everything. (and I as I have read through some of your post, I see bribary is not uncommon)
Nothing WORKS!!!
Kenzie was in the bath tub and decided she needed to go poop. Kason was in the bathroom with her at the time and he has huge issue with Kenzie pooping in the tub. He told her that if she would get out of the tub and poop on the toilet he would get her make-up for her and put it on her.
The next thing I know Kason runs in the kitchen to tell me that Kenzie pooped in the toilet. "How did you get her to do that?" I asked Kason smiles and says I told her she could have her make-up.
FYI I hate the make-up that comes with dolls or barbies. Its hidious and it's really hard to remove from her face. I had the make-up hid from her for 7 months, yes 7 months. She received the make-up for her second birthday in Jan. I have had it on the top of the fridge, hopeing she would forget about it.
Now... I had to give up the make-up, and just as I feared it was hidious and it was very difficult to remove from her little face. AND... she has yet to poop in the toilet since.
The make-up is now located in the garbage.