Saturday, January 17, 2009

Taking the Plunge.

Today (Saturday) my sister Holly took part in the Polar Plunge in Hyrum. If you don't know what this is I will explain. Holly donated money for children in need of wheelchairs, medical equipment Ect. and then if she jumped into the icy water of Hyrum Dam all the business that donated money would match Hollys donation. Holly earned $250.00 for the kids.
I must say I thought Holly was a little crazy for even thinking about doing this but, considering what Holly and her family have been through I knew there was no way to talk her out of it. I knew that if there was a way for Holly to help other children as others have helped Easten I knew she would do it.


Melissa Hernandez said...

One word.....CRAZY!!!!! It would take me days to warm up after that!

Charee B Mcclellan said...

man, i need to go and turn on the heater now..i am freezing just looking at those pics!! ahhhhh but what a great trooper.

Traci Crossley said...

What a woman! She is amazing. Are her toes still blue? Tell her Hi for me

Josie Murdock said...

What an awsome thing to do. Holly is the neatest woman in the world. The things she does for other people!!! Hopefully she didin't get sick.