Sunday, December 28, 2008

I know that you all thought that come Christmas morning when Kenzie saw the jeep she would forget about the traumatizing experience with Santa. You were ALL WRONG!!
Kason came into the room around 7:00 and had already made the trip upstairs to make sure Santa had made it to our house. I had him go into the living room and nicely wake up his sister and let her know that Santa had come.
Ben ended up trying to get Kenzie to wake up and he said the fatal words "Santa came" this was the beginning of the end. Kenzie sat straight up and began to whale and scream. She was terrified!! I got the whole thing on tape if there are not believers. She probably screamed for a good 10 minutes before she calmed down and realized she was staring right at her Barbie Jeep.
The crying stopped and .........

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