Friday, November 21, 2008

A night in the life.... this is what my kitchen usually looks like come dinner time. Kenzie as you all well know by know is a huge mamma'a girl and when I can't hold her in my arm (say when I am cooking) she brings in her favorite blanket and her pillow and camps out right at my feet.
There is never a moment of seperation :)


Emily M said...

I think that is so cute that she loves her mama so much! she is such a doll!

Hayley said...

We have this same thing at our house now and again too!

Lyndsey said...

wow - you are so patient ! I feel so bad because there are times that Parker chases me around and it takes everything I have not to freak out !! You are a very good mom:)

Melissa Hernandez said...

That's so cute. I wish I could just lay there and watch someone cook dinner for me!!

Carmen (Cholico) Lynch said...

So cute! You must be an amazing Mama...No surprise there!